東京大学工学部計数工学科 システム情報談話会

日時:2006年5月22日(火) 11:00--12:30

場所:東京大学工学部6号館 3階セミナー室A (本郷キャンパス)   

(アクセス) http://www.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/map/index.shtml#hongo

講師:Brian D. O. Anderson 教授
         (Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University)

題目:Solution of a distributed formation stabilization problem

概要:This talk deals with a formation stabilization problem. The formations considered comprise a collection of point agents in the plane. One agent is the leader of the formation, another agent termed the first follower is required to maintain a nominated distance from the leader, and the remaining agents of the formation are required to maintain two nominated distances from two other agents, which may include the leader or the first follower. Motions of the formation consistent with maintaining all these distances then correspond to translation or rotation of the formation as a whole. Decentralized control laws are needed to restore distance values when they are perturbed away from their nominal. We explain how to formulate the control problem, and present it in the following linear algebra terms: Given a real square matrix A, when is there a real diagonal matrix Lambda such that Lambda x A has all its eigenvalues with negative real part, and how may such a matrix be constructed? A sufficient condition (which in a sense is not ‘far’ from a necessary condition) is obtained, involving the principal minors of A, and it is fulfilled in the application problem. Some associated open problems are also exposed.

連絡先: 原 辰次 (shinji_hara (at) ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
            小島千昭 (chiaki_kojima (at) ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)