東京大学工学部計数工学科 システム情報談話会

  8月18日月曜日13時00分より,東大本郷キャンパスにおきまして,Prof. Hyungbo Shim(Seoul National University)のセミナーを,開催いたします. 今回のセミナーでは,外乱オブザーバアプローチに基づく線形・非線形ロバスト制御系の解析と設計について,理論の観点からお話しいただきます. 題目や概要などの詳細は以下に記しておりますので,ご興味のある方はご参照いただけると幸いです.ご多忙中のところとは存じますが,皆様奮ってご参加をお待ちいたしております.


場所:東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部6号館3F セミナー室AD
   (アクセス) http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_07_j.html#hongo

講演者:Prof. Hyungbo Shim(School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University)

題目:Analysis and Synthesis of Disturbance Observer for Linear/Nonlinear Uncertain Plants and Robust Transient Behavior

概要: Linear disturbance observer (DOB) approach has been successfully employed as a tool for robust control and disturbance rejection in the industry. While it is widely used, little has been done to develop the underlying theory. Motivated by this, we begin with a rigorous analysis of linear DOB in the state-space framework, and derive a necessary and sufficient condition for robust stability. The lessons from this analysis then lead to a new DOB structure for robust transient behavior and also for nonlinear systems. The proposed nonlinear DOB is a semi-global output-feedback inner-loop controller, which works in harmony with a (pre-designed) nominal outer-loop controller of any type. New tools are introduced in the analysis and synthesis of DOB such as singular perturbation, saturation functions, and circle criterion.

連絡先: 原 辰次 (Shinji_Hara@ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
            小島千昭 (Chiaki_Kojima@ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)