東京大学工学部計数工学科 システム情報談話会

  7月25日金曜日15時00分より,東大本郷キャンパスにおきまして,岩崎徹也教授(バージニア大学)のセミナーを,開催いたします.岩崎教授には,歩行・水泳・飛行といった動物のリズミカルな運動を発生させる中枢パターン発生器 (CPG) とよばれる神経回路網を用いた移動制御と CPGに着目したフィードバック制御理論の新たな展開についてご講演いただきます. 題目や概要などの詳細は以下に記しておりますので,ご興味のある方はご参照いただけると幸いです.ご多忙中のところとは存じますが,皆様奮ってご参加をお待ちいたしております.


場所:東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部6号館2F 第63講義室
   (アクセス) http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_07_j.html#hongo


題目:Locomotor Control with Central Pattern Generator

概要: Rhythmic body movements observed in animal locomotion such as walking, swimming, flying, etc., are known to be controlled by neuronal circuits called central pattern generators (CPGs). Such biological control systems based on CPGs may provide a new paradigm for feedback control theory to achieve oscillations (rather than regulations) in a robust, adaptive, and autonomous manner. This talk poses several open questions associated with analysis and design of CPG-control systems. The first part of the talk focuses on the design of (artificial) CPGs. We show how to find the neuronal interconnection matrix for a CPG such that prescribed oscillation profile (frequency, amplitude, phase) is achieved. The method of multivariable harmonic balance is developed, and we have proved that this approximate result becomes exact in a special case where the desired phases are rational multiple of pi. The second part of the talk addresses an optimal gait problem where the periodic body movement for a locomotor is optimized so that a given cost function is minimized while achieving a prescribed speed. This difficult problem was addressed in the literature and some local solutions have been obtained. In contrast, we propose a globally optimal solution to an approximate problem. These results form a basis for developing a feedback control theory to achieve natural rhythmic motions.

連絡先: 原 辰次 (Shinji_Hara@ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
            小島千昭 (Chiaki_Kojima@ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp)