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Multi-agent systems
Mechanics on cooperative capturing (slide) (paper)
Distributed adaptive control (slide) (paper)

Control of large-scale networked systems
Optimal control/observation points problem on consensus systems (slide 1) (slide 2) (paper 1) (paper 2)
Optimal control points problem in share competition (slide) (paper)

Control and information
The second law of controlled sermodynamics (slide) (paper)
Population dynamics and thermodynamics (paper)
Feedback control under information constraints (slide) (paper)

Hierarchical distributed control
Hierarchical distributed control design with shared model (slide) (paper)
Hierarchical distributed control of cyber-physical systems (paper)

Quantum control
adaptive measurement (paper)
Non-gaussian state generation via nonlinear control (paper)
Consensus of quantum networked systems (slide) (paper)
quantum control
quantum information